Sunday, January 11, 2009

Its Been Awhile

Wow! Its been awhile since my last post! Been busy lately and by the time I am in front of my blog I got soooo lazy. A lot has been going on lately. I started an online store, we went to look for a small space for our items to sale, maybe a small space that will ask for a small monthly rent. But everything is so expensive. We found one store that will let us rent one case to display our items. The rent is $50.00 a month plus 10% of what you sold. We're thinking that $50.00 is a good price but with the 10%? I don't know about that. We are still going to talk about this and think hard before doing it. Just hope we can find a good deal. As of now I am just going to upload more items in our online store.

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