Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pictures from Auction

Got here some pictures from the auction. Never mind the date of some of the pictures (time of the camera was not set ^.^)

this is the map... we google it incase we get lost... hehehe...

Scott... The Auctioneer in white..

vintage fishing lures...

some fishing stuff... rods/reels..

fishing reels..

on the way to the auction...

vintage irons....

These are just few of the items. One Lady spent $1800.00 that day and all she want are the irons. Some irons went for a $100 to almost $300. I even had a headache listening Mr. Burt going through the prices... But hey! its an experience. I am looking for another auction hehehe...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello! got ur message. anyway, if u want to link up with me, pls respond on the appropriate link on my left sidebar. i update links every weekend. cya! :-)